Sunday, September 25, 2005

Set Nine

Hey, what do you know.

I'm back in the game.

Welcome back, after a really looooong hiatus, to XQZ. I've now broken most of my promises, and can't really make any new ones EXCEPT

XQZ will continue. It will survive. And you can look forward to more questions - I just can't tell you when they'll be up :). But they will come.

IITK will be sending a team to Nihilanth - this year at IIM Cal, so everyone, wish them luck.

All three quizzing blogs - Quizzical Expressions, African or European, and XQZ have been on a bit of a break for some time, but Shanth recently revived African or European, so check it out.

For those of you who are new to this, please check out the first posting Ground Zero in order to learn the basic rules of this quiz blog. Remember to use rot13.

I'm about to loose you upon the questions, but first, a couple of points. First, I apologise for two thngs about this set - (a) It's a little America heavy, but that's a perhaps inevitable result of my environment and the fact that I haven't read the news in months. (b) It's a little easy, even though it's picture heavy.

The second point is a happier one. Somewhere among these questions - I'm too lazy to determine exactly where - lies the hundredth question of XQZ. It's a landmark of sorts, long overdue, but it's here. It's not the last question because previous sets have occasionally had more than 10, even if you don't count the bonii.

Well, that's about it. Onward!


Connect the following pictures :


What's the story behind this picture?


Identify and Connect the following people. It's not a proper connect, nor necessarily an exhaustive list, but these men have something in common.


Nils Gustaf Dalén made developments in acetylene chemistry to get a very bright light, developed safe storage methods, and then engineered a special valve that was controlled by the sun, so that the resulting buoys would only operate at night, prolonging their life to about a year. To a rugged coastal area like Scandinavia, these mass-produced long-lived minimal maintenance buoys were a significant boon to safety and livelihood. His most important invention was the sun valve which made the AGA lighthouse possible. Dalén was blinded in a gas explosion accident. How were his contributions recognized?


Connect the green regions on the map. Hawaii is not shaded green. Technically, I could add two more regions as well, but I won't.

**Commercial break**
Mandatory Silly Question - Besides using it in the Terminator movies, which other Schwarzenegger film boasts of the famous line, "I'll be back" ?
**We now return to our regular programming**


This is a silly question, but an interesting fact. These days, the US tends to interfere a lot in other countries, but way back in the day, the US was once attacked.... and the White House was burnt. (!!). Who did it?


Connect the following
(At first I thought of screwing all of you by just giving you the pictures and letting you figure out the wars, but I figured that that was too mean. So I'm telling you which wars they are, which makes this an easy question, but pay attention to the pictures - you may see them again in some quiz some day)


Crimean War (This is actually the Charge of the Light Brigade)

Spanish American War (That's Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders)

(Sorry, no hints on this one)


The word originally meant "that which comes" or "that which happens" and was used in reference with the three Fates, the three sisters who determined the fate of each person. It started its progression to its current meaning possibly around the time when 'Macbeth' was written. What is the word?


Identify and Connect these people. It's easy, but the list is not exhaustive. Also, these pictures are not in order.


These are images taken from a performance marking the 100th death anniversary of which famous person?

Don't forget to write in and rate the questions of old sets.

Auf Wiedersehen, Kameraden.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

2) erzbgr pbagebyyrq ebobg evqqra pnzry enpvat va gur Qhonv Tenaq Cevk
3) vqragvsvrq Sryyvav, Uvgpupbpx. Vf gur ynfg bar Oretzna?
4) ur jba gur Abory cevmr V xabj ohg vf gung jung h ner ybbxvat sbe?
5) terra cneg : ibgrq ntnvafg Ohfu ?
6) Gur Oevgvfu va gur Jne bs 1812 (tbbtyrq!)
7) zzz...ybbxf na vagrerfgvat bar. Jryy urer tbrf :
Gur ynfg cvp fubjf gur bevtvany Rhebcrna Havba pbhagevrf : Senapr, J.Treznal, Vgnyl, Orytvhz, Ubyynaq. Guvf jnf sbezrq va Cnevf. Nyy gur nobir jnef jrer raqrq ol gerngvrf fvtarq va Cnevf. Vf "Gerngvrf va Cnevf" gur pbaarpg? (cnegyl jbexrq gueh & fbzrjung pbeebobengrq ol Tbbtyr)
8) nhthel
9) Qnynv Ynzn, Ebpxl Znepvnab, Wrfhf Puevfg, Erq Oneba, ....

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On behalf of Hrishi, who accidentally posted in plain English :)

Uv trbetr,te8 gb frr h onpx va npgvba.
urer tbrf...
9.1.AB VQRN,
9.2.ynj onaarq puvyq evqref fb ebob evqref jrer vagebqhprq.
9.3.AB qverpgvat Bfpnef?
9.5.JVYQ THRFF-nyy oebhtug be tbg sebz fbzrjurer be fbzrobql?
9.6.Oevgnva,1812 jne?
9.7.v pbhyq znxr bhg gur pbhagevrf naq gur RH guvat..ohg gur pyvpx ryhqrf zr....
9.10.Whyrf Irear?(v gubg bs gur ryrcunag naq gur guvat cbvagrq gb gur prageer bs gur rnegu,rgp..

jryy,v nz univat sha orpbm v unir nyernql jba Ef.4500(gb or cerpvfr) va ybpny dhvmmrf fb sne naq V uni sbhaq n cnegare(gub ab jre nf tbbq nf Punaqena)gryy zr jng h jre qbvat sbe gurfr 3 zbaguf..

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

set 8 answers plzzz

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Qrne trbetr,
ubj nobhg gur nafjref bs Frg 8?

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1)Vf ur gur pba jub pynvzrq ur vf Fvqarl Cbegvre'f fba(qba'g erz uvf anzr),Xriva Onpba naq Jvyy Fzvgu--> fvk qrterrf bs frcnengvba vf gur shaqn.(Jvyy Fzvgu npgrq va gur cynl)
2)Ebob qevira pnzry enpr va Zvq-rnfg nsgre puvyqera jrer onaarq
3)Vqragvsvrq Xhoevpx,Sryyvav,Uvgpupbpx naq Fpbefrfr. Arire jba na Bfpne???
NEAVR zbivr Ynfg Npgvba Ureb
8)Qrfgval??Gur guernq bs yvsr jnf pnyyrq qrfgval!
9)Qnynv Ynzn,Wnxr Yn Zbggn,Wrfhf Puevfg,Ubjneq Uhturf,Obo Qlyna. Abg fher nobhg gur Qnynv Ynzn Cneg(znl or fbzr qbph) ohg pbaarpg unf gb or Znegva Fpbefrfr.(Entvat Ohyy,Ynfg Grzcgngvba bs Puevfg, Gur Nivngbe,Qbph ba Obo Qlyna ynfg lrne)
10)Yrjvf Pnebyy? Nyvpr znlor?

6:15 PM  

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