Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Set Four

My first posting from the States! Woo! The Fall term has not started yet, so the place is relatively quiet, I have not yet started classes, and I do not yet know the quizzing scene. However, I have you, my devoted readers, so here are the latest set of questions. Just a reminder first -

"Hello, and welcome to XQZ. If you're new to this blog, please see the first posting Ground Zero in order to learn the basic rules of this quiz blog. Remember to use rot13."

On to the queries! Excelsior!

Set Four

Al-Yemen means right hand. Why did the country get this name?
(Courtesy the American Museum of Natural History)

Robert Klark Graham (1907-1997) was an American businessman who made a lot of money by developing shatter-proof plastic eyeglass lenses, and who later founded the Repository for Germinal Choice. What did the Repository do/hold?

This race is organised by the New York Road Runners Club, and in 2004 it held its 27th edition. From 1999 to 2003 it was dominated by Australian Paul Crake, who still holds the record, being the only one to have run the race in less than 10 minutes. In 2004 the winner was Rudolf Reitberger from Austria. It is an invitational race. What is the race course/path?

Paul Crake is shown below.

After X achieved national stardom, he offered to produce Waylon's first records. Though neither of the first two recordings had much success, it was the beginning of a short but influential friendship with the rockabilly legend. X asked Waylon to join his touring band playing bass guitar, an offer Waylon accepted despite the fact that he did not know how to play bass. They embarked on a nationwide tour riddled with difficulties, including a tour bus without heat that repeatedly stalled in the cold weather.

X, Y, and Waylon were supposed to take a plane ride from Iowa. Waylon gave his seat to Z, who had a cold and desperately needed rest. After Waylon gave up his seat, X had jokingly told him that he hoped the tour bus would stall. What was Waylon Jenning's reply?

Identify and connect. I'm hoping this connection is the only one that exists between the following people, but I can't guarantee it. The list is NOT exhaustive.

Connect Feyd Rautha from Dune, and

Comic question! Hardcore comic book question. Captain America's indestructible shield was created in an unknown hither-to unreplicated process. What did Dr. Myron MacLain create when he unsuccessfully tried to replicate the process?

Connect the following terms/what do they have in common?
Back-end, Bankmail, Bon-voyage Bonus, Golden Parachute, Goodbye kiss, Gray Knight, Greenmail, Killer Bees, Lobster Trap, Pension Parachute, Poison Pill, Safe Harbor, Scorched-earth Defense, Selling the Crown Jewels, Shark Repellent, Standstill Agreement, Trigger.

In front, the shoes bear her name. On the back, one pair has 5.01, 5.02, 5.03 and 5.04 inscribed on the side of heel. Whose shoes are we talking about?

It is one of the most bizarre and improbable organisms on the planet. It produces no leaves, stems or roots but lives as a parasite on the Tetrastigma vine, which grows only in primary (undisturbed) rainforest. Only the flower or bud can be seen; the rest of the plant exists only as filaments within its unfortunate host. The blossom is pollinated by flies attracted by its scent, which resembles that of carrion. Which plant?

I'm sorry if the distribution is a little unbalanced. Hopefully once I get into a rhythm here both the frequency and the balance of questions will improve.

See ya later, alligators!


Blogger Einsteinophile said...

4.2 Cebo fbzrguvat ba gur yvarf bs Oenir Arj Jbeyq...perngvat trargvpnyyl zbqvsvrq uhznaf????
4.9 ryran Vfvaonlrin!!!
V thrff..guvf gvzr...zr vf cngurgvp!
Url....te8 barf!!!!!

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4.2 Zvpebfpbcrf?
4.3 Gur Rzcver Fgngr Ohvyqvat. Gur cubgb fbeg bs tvirf vg njnl.
4.5 Vf gur nafjre Onaq-Nvq? Fbzr bs gur ccy. ner Trbetr Zvpunry, Cnhy ZpPnegarl, Obab naq Cuvy Pbyyvaf.
4.9 Lryran Vfvaorlrin. N pbasrffvba-V xarj jub lbh jrer gnyxvat nobhg, ohg pbhyqa'g erzrzore ure anzr, fb V Tbbtyrq sbe vg.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nz xvaqn ohfl gurfr qnlf, fb gurer vf n yvoreny nzbhag bs funzryrff tbbtyvat vaibyirq ;-)

1. Evtug fvqr bs Zrppn (Tbbtyrq)
2. V gubhtug vg jnf n ceb-pybavat be ceb-trargvpf tebhc. Tbbtyr tnir gur zber fcrpvsvp nafjre.
3. Rzcver Fgngr Ohvyqvat
7. Nqznagvhz (Tbbtyrq)
8. Gubhtug gurfr jrer glcrf bs nphvfvgvba fgengrtvrf. Vs bayl V unq ybbxrq ng gur yvfg n yvggyr zber pnershyyl...(Tbbtyrq)
9. Vfvaonlrin. V gubhtu vg jnf gur fgnghr bs yvoregl :-( (Tbbtyrq)
10. Enssyrfvn Neabyqvv (tbbtyrq)
6. Fgvat (Tbbtyrq)
4. 'V ubcr gur cynar penfurf.' be fbzrguvat gb guvf rssrpg. Gur nafjre jnf thrffnoyr, gur zbzrag lbh zragvbarq n cynar. V qvqa'g ernyvfr guvf jnf ohqql ubyyl gubhtu.
5. Pna'g ernyyl tbbtyr guvf. ohg guvf vfa'g fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu Yvir-Nvq be Onaq-Nvq be fbzrguvat fvzvyne, vf vg?

Naq qba'g fgbc rznvyvat lbh ynml ohz!

11:55 PM  

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