Set Eight
Once again, welcome to another page of questions at XQZ. First, the - you know, I wonder how many of you actually read the intro. I guess I should include a series of personal insults and then see who respond. Oh well. For those of you who are new to this, please check out the first posting Ground Zero in order to learn the basic rules of this quiz blog. Remember to use rot13.
In other news, Shanth has continued his series of intriguing and very hard to google questions. Please do check out African or European. In yet more news, Set Seven is still up for grabs, so please do send in your answers, as well as the ratings for previous sets - thank you, Kaushik and Shanth, for being so regular with your feedback, but I'd appreciate it if you other people would also chip in so that I get a more balanced viewpoint. Also do write in and tell me if you feel that the distribution of questions is tilting too much one way or the other.
But you're impatient now. Very well. After a long time, this set contains several picture questions. They are still amenable to googling, but try to resist that temptation as far as possible. You appreciate the answer more if you wait for it :)
Any way -
En avant!
Set Eight
We start with a easy one:
This fly was named after a person for his contributions to Dipterology (the science of flies). Who?
Name this marvel of nature, about which statesman and orator Daniel Webster once said, "Men hang out their signs indicative of their respective trades; shoe makers hang out a gigantic shoe; jewelers a monster watch, and the dentist hangs out a gold tooth; but up in the Mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show that there He makes men."
Fill in the blank, and name the book from which this extract is taken.
Her destination was one of the dubious software rental complexes that lined Memory Lane. There was a stillness, a hush. Booths lined a central hall. The clientele were young, few of them out of their teens. They all seemed to have carbon sockets planted behind the left ear, but she didn't focus on them. The counters that fronted the booths displayed hundreds of slivers of _________, angular fragments of coloured silicon mounted under oblong transparent bubbles on square of white cardboard. Molly went to the seventh booth along the south wall. Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, a dozen spikes of _________ protruding from the socket behind his ear.
Identify and connect these pictures. The first three are perhaps more relevant, but the other two are also useful.
Fill in the blank with a word, which has come to denote any word used as a catch-phrase or codeword among a select group:
Then the Gileadites took the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites. Whenever one of the fugitives of Ephraim said, "Let me go over," the men of Gilead would say to him, "Are you an Ephraimite?" When he said, "No," they said to him, "Then say __________," and he said, "_________," for he could not pronounce it right. Then they seized him and killed him at the fords of the Jordan. Forty-two thousand of the Ephraimites fell at that time.
*Commercial break*
Usual Useless Bonus question
It's a silly question, but it occured to me and I didn't know the answer straight away, though it can actually be worked out quite easily. We all use ROT13 a lot, but why is it called ROT13?
*We now return to our regular programming*
E. Montagu noted that this man was the only man ever to join the Royal Marines after he was dead! He had a fiancée named Pam, and when his body was recovered, they found a photograph of her and love letters. They also found a set of keys, theater stubs for a recent performance, a statement from his club for lodging in London, and so forth. His careless nature was revealed in his overdue bills, a replacement identification card to replace the one he lost, an expired pass to Combined Operations HQ that he forgot to renew, and an irate missive from a bank manager from Lloyds Bank for an overdraft of £17 19s 11d.
Who was he, and why was he important?
If a red ribbon stands for awareness about AIDS/supporting AIDS patients, what are the following for?
Identify and connect these three pictures:
Identify these lovely ladies and connect. It's not a superficial connect, but it is a simple and nice answer.
My personal favourite, partly because I put in such a lot of work editing the pic, partly because it's a touching moment.
Identify this place. The photo has been heavily Photoshopped, but the man visible in the picture is doing something ....
Till next time, kameraden.
In other news, Shanth has continued his series of intriguing and very hard to google questions. Please do check out African or European. In yet more news, Set Seven is still up for grabs, so please do send in your answers, as well as the ratings for previous sets - thank you, Kaushik and Shanth, for being so regular with your feedback, but I'd appreciate it if you other people would also chip in so that I get a more balanced viewpoint. Also do write in and tell me if you feel that the distribution of questions is tilting too much one way or the other.
But you're impatient now. Very well. After a long time, this set contains several picture questions. They are still amenable to googling, but try to resist that temptation as far as possible. You appreciate the answer more if you wait for it :)
Any way -
En avant!
Set Eight
We start with a easy one:
This fly was named after a person for his contributions to Dipterology (the science of flies). Who?
Name this marvel of nature, about which statesman and orator Daniel Webster once said, "Men hang out their signs indicative of their respective trades; shoe makers hang out a gigantic shoe; jewelers a monster watch, and the dentist hangs out a gold tooth; but up in the Mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show that there He makes men."
Fill in the blank, and name the book from which this extract is taken.
Her destination was one of the dubious software rental complexes that lined Memory Lane. There was a stillness, a hush. Booths lined a central hall. The clientele were young, few of them out of their teens. They all seemed to have carbon sockets planted behind the left ear, but she didn't focus on them. The counters that fronted the booths displayed hundreds of slivers of _________, angular fragments of coloured silicon mounted under oblong transparent bubbles on square of white cardboard. Molly went to the seventh booth along the south wall. Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, a dozen spikes of _________ protruding from the socket behind his ear.
Identify and connect these pictures. The first three are perhaps more relevant, but the other two are also useful.
Fill in the blank with a word, which has come to denote any word used as a catch-phrase or codeword among a select group:
Then the Gileadites took the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites. Whenever one of the fugitives of Ephraim said, "Let me go over," the men of Gilead would say to him, "Are you an Ephraimite?" When he said, "No," they said to him, "Then say __________," and he said, "_________," for he could not pronounce it right. Then they seized him and killed him at the fords of the Jordan. Forty-two thousand of the Ephraimites fell at that time.
*Commercial break*
Usual Useless Bonus question
It's a silly question, but it occured to me and I didn't know the answer straight away, though it can actually be worked out quite easily. We all use ROT13 a lot, but why is it called ROT13?
*We now return to our regular programming*
E. Montagu noted that this man was the only man ever to join the Royal Marines after he was dead! He had a fiancée named Pam, and when his body was recovered, they found a photograph of her and love letters. They also found a set of keys, theater stubs for a recent performance, a statement from his club for lodging in London, and so forth. His careless nature was revealed in his overdue bills, a replacement identification card to replace the one he lost, an expired pass to Combined Operations HQ that he forgot to renew, and an irate missive from a bank manager from Lloyds Bank for an overdraft of £17 19s 11d.
Who was he, and why was he important?
If a red ribbon stands for awareness about AIDS/supporting AIDS patients, what are the following for?
Identify and connect these three pictures:
Identify these lovely ladies and connect. It's not a superficial connect, but it is a simple and nice answer.
My personal favourite, partly because I put in such a lot of work editing the pic, partly because it's a touching moment.
Identify this place. The photo has been heavily Photoshopped, but the man visible in the picture is doing something ....
Till next time, kameraden.
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Somebody posted answers without using ROT13 (got to, please!) and so I deleted them and am posting them again, but encoded this time. Also, I request Anonymous to leave a name, whether real or fictional, for me to use to refer to him/her/them.
8.5 Fuvoobyrgu.
For Anonymous again. See previous comment.
8.7n Oernfg Pnapre
8.10: Zna fgnaqvat va sebag bs Puvarfr CEP gnaxf qhevat gur Gvnanazra Fdhner eroryyvba.
Just to prove a point of principle(viz. I don't totally suck at this), I shall desist from googling anything this time. So here goes:
8.1 Fbzrbar pnyyrq Trgglf be be fbzrguvat, whfg n thrff, ab Vqrn npghnyyl,
8.2 Ab vqrn, ohg nalguvat gb qb jvgu Cnhy Ohalna?
8.3 Fvyvpba? ab vqrn nog gur obbx
8.4 Qrfpnegrf vf gur bayl bar V pna erpbtavfr sbe fher, gur svefg bar frrzf gb or n Xyvatba qvfcynl, gur pbaarpg, zl thrff jbhyq or ``pbtvgb retb fhz'', ohg lbh fnl gung gur svefg guerr cvpgherf ner gur znva barf, fb V'q thrff, ''Eriratr vf n qvfu orfg freirq pbyq'', Vf gur guveq thl Gnenagvab?
8.5 Fuvoobyrgu [FVoDyrg_q_u] naq Fvoobyrgu [fVoDyrg_q_u], {gur bayl bar V'z fher bs}
Obahf Dhrfgvba: jgs?!!11!! V gubhtug vg jnf boivbhf, ebgngvba ol 13, m -> m KBE 13
8.6 Gb urpx jvgu gur qhzo erfbyhgvba. V pbhyqa'g erfvfg gur grzcgngvba gb Tbbtyr, jung pna V fnl, ohg Zngg 26:41. Vg'f gur qrnq obql va bcrengvba zvaprzrng. Avpr shaqn ernyyl.
8.7 Thrffvat: gur Yrfovnavfz naq Uvccvrf?
8.10 Fbzrguvat fbzrjurer va gur HX? cebonoyl na VEN cebgrfgngbe zvpghengvat??
Thanks for the free publicity and the Please do check out African or European's it gladdens meheart to think that there's someone campaigning for my blog.
PS: Just checking if blogger does any identity checking.
1) Ovyy Tngrf ( "tngrfv" va gur fpvragvsvp anzr tnir vg njnl)
2) "Byq Zna bs gur Zbhagnva" : n ebpx sbezngvba va gur tenavgr fgngr bs AU
3)Zvpebfbsg sebz Jvyyvnz Tvofba'f Arhebznapre (ntnva tbbtyrq)
4) Gung'f Qrfpnegrf! Ab pyhr nobhg gur bgure oybxrf...V qba'g yvxr gurve ybbxf.
5) Fuvoobyrgu (thrffvat urer....abg fher bs gur Ovoyvpny bevtvaf bs guvf bar)
6) fbzr svpgvbany perngher ab qbhog!
7) cvax- oernfg pnapre njnerarff, inevrtngrq/cvronyq - puvyq nohfr njnerarff?
8) Fbzrguvat gryyf zr gurl ner rvgure fbppre znantref be cbyvgvpvnaf...ivyr oerrqf obgu bs 'rz.
9) vqragvsvrq : Funencbin, frpbaq ybbxf yvxr Oevgarl Fcrnef va n graavf qerff (Puevf Rireg znlor?), Znel Cvrepr, Nv Fhtvlnzn, Zbevgn(?)........fbzrguvat ba gur yvarf bs lbhatrfg gb qb fbzrguvat; znlor ghea ceb sebz gurve erfcrpgvir pbhagevrf?
10) Pnfnoynapn
ok dude, so i hope u still rem me, univ challenge survivors, haan, ring a bell??
anyways need a contact for someone studying at ur insti as of now, its kinda urgent.
8.1 V'z abg gbb fher, ohg v guvax gur qhqr vf Ovyy Tngrf, v erzrzore urnevat va fbzr jvreqnff dhvm gung ur unq fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu vafrpgf, cyhf gur anzr, ohg vgf n eryyl jvyq thrff!
8.2 Guvf vf fbzrguvat yvxr gur 'Zna va gur zbhagnva' be fbzrguvat bs gung fbeg, ntnva, vz abg fher ng nyy, ohg vgf fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu zbhagnvaf, gung v'z fher.
8.3 Arhebznapre ol jvyyvnz tvofba naq zvpebfbsg, guvf vf gur bevtva bs gur grez!
8.4 orngf zr :-(
8.5 Fuvoobyrgu (tbbtyrq vg, vg jnf va gur onpx bs zl urnq, whfg pbhyqa'g trg ubyq bs vg, fb v unq gur jbeyq jvqr jro uryc zr)
ebgngrf 13 yrggref guebhtu gur nycunorg, v guvax
8.6 gueh 8.8, nofbyhgryl ab pyhr
8.9 Nv Fhtvlnzn, Evxn Uvenxv naq Znel Cvrepr ner rnfvyl vqragvsvnoyr. Gur cvp bs Unaghpubir vf ernyyl tbbq, unira'g frra vg orsber. 1fg bar fghzcf zr, ohg v'z cerggl fher gur pbaarpg vf Znurfu Ouhcngv ( ur jba Tenaq Fynz zvkrq qbhoyrf gvgyrf jvgu gurfr jbzra), ohg gura ntnva, v qba'g xabj jub gur svefg bar vf
8.10 Vfa'g guvf gung qhqr va Gvnanazra Fdhner jub fgbbq va sebag bs gur gnaxf ohg jnf chyyrq njnl orsber nalguvat pbhyq unccra gb uvz? ohg vg pbhyq or whfg nobhg nalobol be nalguvat....
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8.1 Ovyy Tngrf
8.4 tubfg va gur znpuvar
8.1 Jvyyvnz Urael Tngrf (Ovyy Tngrf), V thrff vg vf n sver syl.
* Pbzzrepvny Oernx *
Lbh ebgngr gur yrggref ol 13 cynprf jura lbh rapbqr/qrpbqr.
8.7 Angvbany Oernfg Pnapre - N sevraq bs zvar fhssrerq sebz vg naq unf erpbirerq!
8.10 Guvf vf gur cvpgher bs gur Gnax Zna nxn Haxabja Erory jub fgbbq orsber 17 gnaxf (abg fher bs gur ahzore) qhevat gur Gvnanazra Fdhner cebgrfgf va 1989.
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